Frequently Asked Questions

Why won't the sound work?

This is by far the most common complaint. First of all, make sure the correct volume level (the one with the music notes, not the bell) is up. A good test is to watch a youtube video. If you can hear the youtube video, the sound should also work for the app in question. If you can still hear no sound, restart the phone. Finally, if things still aren't working, it may be necessary to delete the app and redownload (you will not be charged again for paid apps.) This process has worked for everyone so far. If not, there may be an issue with the current version of WebOS. Make sure to contact me at [email protected] if you have any problems.

Why does the pitch pipe have an extra note?

I am aware that the standard pitch pipe has only 12 notes. I figured it would benefit the user to have an extra note so that the highest note would be one octave higher than the lowest note.

How do you delete an app?

Hold the orange button and tap the app.

What is this "too many cards" error?

I've seen this error with other apps as well. I think there may be some sort of memory leak with the garbage collection algorithms in WebOS. Again, the solution is to restart the phone.